Abdominal Operations
Discharge Instructions – Abdominal Operations
Care of wound:
- Keep the wound clean and dry
- You may then shower the wound daily, but do not scrub it
- Pat the wound dry gently with a soft towel
Bowel habit and diet:
- For approximately 6 weeks after the surgery (patients with stomas or anastomoses):
- Do not eat foods such as raw vegetables, fruit skins or piths, mushrooms, peanuts, popcorn
- Cook all vegetables well until soft (should be able to be cut with a fork)
- Cook and chew all meat well
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water or other fluid each day
After 6 weeks:
- Ensure a regular bowel habit
- If required, take 1 teaspoon of Metamucil twice a day
If the stoma output is very watery and is large in amount, make sure that you drink at least as much as you are losing, and preferably more. Imodium and/or Lomotil can help slow the stoma output down. You can take up to 6 a day of each. Please contact the rooms if you have any doubts.
- Take Paracetomol, Digesic or Panadeine Forte – 2 tablets at a time up to every 6 hours as required
- Notify me if you are requiring stronger pain-killers
- Note that Codeine is constipating
- Do not drive or operate machinery if you are taking Codeine
- Do not lift objects greater than 15 kg or engage in vigorous exercise for 6 weeks
- Slowly increase your activity during this period of time
Please make an appointment to see Dr Simpson in the rooms in_________weeks.
Notify the rooms on (02) 4367 6444 if you:
- Experience a fever or are becoming generally unwell
- Cannot pass urine
- Have excessive bleeding from the operative site
- Experience any problems with the wound, including abnormal discharge or pus
- Experience any symptoms that you feel are not normal